Monday, October 14, 2013

Eating Clean..... Again

I unpacked some bins of clothes last weekend and found jeans and pants in every size.   I tossed the ones I knew would never fit again, but some are not as old and could fit if I made an effort.

So here I am, back on the "eating clean" cycle... lately this only lasts for 2 days, 3 days max.   Spring of 2012 I was able to eat clean for two months and get down to an amazing 140 lbs.  I was hungry all. the. time.  And I hated it.  I couldn't wait to eat.  So slowly, over the summer, I put 10 or so pounds back on.  

And then the next 20, over the last 12 months.   

I know what to eat to lose weight.  I have no desire to starve myself again.  Been there, done that. 

In an ideal world I would "eat when I'm hungry, and sleep when I'm tired" as my mother used to say about vacation.   I would only eat until satiated, and not to fill a void nor as a substitute for another activity. 

It also requires, in my opinion, keeping track in a food diary or food log.  I love the website 'My Fitness Pal' for keeping track because they have a huge food database.  whats frustrating is how quickly I reach my caloric goal for the day and I feel like I'm not even eating that much!    How do people under-eat????

If I eat as planned for today, I'll be 6 calories OVER my goal, which is about 1700 including my exercise (and I feel they are generous on the caloric burn).   I could give up my Quest Cravings Peanut Butter Cups.... but I don't want to!! 

So asparagus with light cheese wrapped in romaine is my "sandwich" along with some veggies and 12 almonds.  Clean lunch - blah.  

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