Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Post Copy From Scott Abel.....

Here is a portion of a Christmas poem I thought was especially timely:  

I say let go of the guilt
And stick a fork in your diet
And I’m sure you will like this
If you let yourself try it
The guilt and the worry
Will surely poison your mood
And all over what?
Some drink and some food?
There’s a time to make Merry
To be human as well
So why give this all up
For some dark diet hell?
We celebrate yearly
With food and with drink
Embrace them both fully
It’s time don’t you think?
Don’t you get tired
Of the same yearly game?
You crave and resist
And end up with shame
Forget all these experts
Who warn you of gain
They are part of the problem
And cause you more pain
They tell you, “be worried,”
Or you may end up fatter
They want to generate fear
So ignore all their chatter
You need not resist
And suffer in hiding
Get out there and share
In warm joyful tidings
There is a time and a place
And the holiday season’s not it
To think that your diet
Is something you “quit”
Raise a glass to good cheer
And fill your plate up as well
And embrace all the sentiment
From that first jingle bell
Because spiritual fitness
Is shaped in traditions
So, embrace them in full
Without these self-conscious restrictions
There can be food for the soul
And for the soul, can be food
And there’s meaning in that
And I don’t want to be rude
But there will always be time
For the battle of the bulge
But there should also be occasion
To most fully indulge
So here’s my idea
It’s not so contrary
It’s is far more important – in season
          To Eat, Drink, and be Merry! 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

One Way or Another, We're Going Back in Time

I had some crazy anxiety yesterday.... almost for no reason.  I thought maybe I was tired and needed rest, or am getting nervous about my trip, or changing meds, or something, and just felt anxious.   I even wondered aloud, "is the other shoe about to drop?".

And then, at the very end of the day, I got an email with some shocking news:  two former co workers from the gym I worked at previously have asked the owner of my studio if they can work with us (due to some drama at their current establishment).   The news threw me for a loop.    

This news is upsetting because back in 2011/ 2012 we all basically got along - them, myself, and my current co worker (the one that doesn't speak to me since the hospital incident), and now.... well things are different and awkward.  So how will this affect how those guys treat me?   Will I be able to deal with being around the three of them conversing all day and not being included?   Can I continue to pretend this doesn't bother me?   I’m left out of conversations now - will it make that worse?   I feel like it's awkward for everyone – me, our clients, our other co workers – and while it doesn’t hurt as much anymore, it’s still just annoying to have to deal with.  

It will be like stepping back in time, since it has been over a year that we all worked together.  

On the other hand, , I've been fantasizing [ok romanticizing] about moving back to Albany... back to where people like me and respect me, despite how difficult it might be to start over.   It would be like stepping back in time, to some extent!

Either way, the idea gave me incredible anxiety, and I ate everything I had on hand, instead of just writing and breathing I chewed.  I chewed and chewed and let the ideas spin in my head, until I was so tired I couldn't chew any more. 

The other shoe has indeed dropped.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Some Days....

Some days it's easy to eat healthy and workout, and some days my brain and body just strongly disagree.

I want to workout, to keep up this great routine/ regimen I have that's helping me lose body fat.   But i'm tired.   And today it probably the last day I can 'cheat' before vacation..... that will give me one week to eat well, eat clean, and be lean and mean for Tuesday. 

BUT, the good news is that because I tried to prevent the binge by having grapes, dried figs (I know, lots of calories) and some yogurt, I was only able to eat my omelette, a few hash browns, and 2 pieces of french toast and one pancake, instead of ALL of it.   And as soon as I get to my next gym, i'll be throwing it all away, except the toast.  The toast I'm keeping in case I need another carb boost later today.  Besides, I think it's whole wheat. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

That's My Sheetz

I told him, jokingly, when he moved to South Riding, that the Sheetz on Rt 50 was "my" Sheetz and not to be seen there!   Joking, of course, but until now, I hadn't seen him there!

Of course, during a binge, my drive to Sheetz is urgent, tense, and filled with frustration to begin with, and pulling into the parking lot to see him pulling out only fueled my fire.  

I let it upset me.   In reality, it's like an annoying driver on the road.... you know, the ones that tail you despite the fact that the slow people are in front of you, or the ones that speed and zip in and out of lanes as if where they are going is so. much. more. important!  It's like that - irritating at the time, annoying enough to jog your memory in the next few hours, but can be shaken off.

I'm not sure he even saw me, and I kind of hope he did because this is all his problem and he needs to face it.  

It didn't change what I got:  2 sandwiches, trail mix, and the PB & Choc trail mix, which I ate every bite of and was completely sick 5 hours later. 

Remind me not to eat peanuts.  Never. ever. again. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Working in a gym setting for the last 5 years, I have overheard many many comments about how people (mostly women, but a surprising number of men) feel bad about their bodies.   We are our harshest critics, of course, but then there's actual dysmorphia.  

I hear skinny skinny women complain about feeling "puffy", when in reality they are dehydrated and the rest of us can only see muscle and bones on them.   I hear toned women complain about flabby thighs, butts, and (the dreaded) "back fat" when most women would give anything for their toned figure.   I hear fit older women complain about a small belly and "bat wings" ( i.e. flabby triceps) when they are actually in fantastic shape for their age and have no reason to complain when they should be thankful for their health.   

It's whats known as body dysmorphia, and the degree and intensity of it varies by person and their self esteem and self image.     The Mayo Clinic describes it:  "Body dysmorphic disorder is a type of chronic mental illness in which you can't stop thinking about a flaw in your appearance — a flaw that is either minor or imagined. But to you, your appearance seems so shameful that you don't want to be seen by anyone."

I've had it.  It comes and goes.  But I do my best to keep a positive self image and not let the negative thoughts "stick".  

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

This Too Shall Pass

"Bad days are normal, they are part of life. We all have them. True freedom comes when you finally realize that a bad day doesn't mean you're 'doing it wrong' or that what you're doing isn't working. We get into trouble because we respond to bad days by making drastic changes in our routines. 

Consistency and balance are the true secrets to long term success, and jumping from diet to diet in reaction to a bad day undermines that goal. 

The bad day will pass. They always do."

Saturday, November 9, 2013

"You said 2?"

Yes, Mr McDonald's order taker, I said two.  Two big breakfasts with hotcakes.  

That's not what I said, of course, I just said "yes" to confirm, because I know he was just confirming the order - that's his job.   But I felt as if he was asking "Beth, do you really need 2?  Do you really need 1?  Is this what you really want?"   because that's what I was fighting inside.   I know I didn't want 2, I know I didn't even want 1.  But Expo Cafe was closed (!) and for some reason my body is very "off" this AM.  It is probably due to my going to bed at 6pm after overeating and drinking 2 beers which I never do!

I also did not workout yesterday which usually makes me feel guilty -> shame -> eat to feel better -> can't be trusted with food -> eat in desperation.  

So yes, I choked down two (2) big breakfasts from Mc Donald's.   They are kinda gross, actually.  And I still have a headache.   

But what if today I work on accepting myself as I am.   Doesn't matter what I eat or what I do or what I look like.  I may feel gross and fat inside, but what if that's ok?   What if I just accept that and be ME?!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Bitter tastes like.....

Bitter tastes like nothing, because I REFUSE to give in to this emotion of frustration and hurt that I feel lately.  

My co worker treats me as if I was dead.  Literally, he pretends I do not exist.  Fortunately I do not have to interact with him and we have just enough space that we can be in separate rooms during the day.  

And I know this is his issue, and that it is not healthy for him, and it's setting a horrible example for his child.   And it's showing me that these are his true colors and therefore he is NOT the person I thought he was.   I even overheard him mention doing this to someone else... pretending they didn't exist!  

He's only hurting himself, and setting a poor example for his child.  This is not ok behavior. Not in this situation where we have to be in the same room for a portion of the day.   Thankfully that is only a few hours, and the rest of the day is manageable.   

I went through a phase at first where it felt like being stabbed, and I really wanted reconciliation, so I tried. And I ate to numb that pain.  But now, I refuse to eat to numb the pain and ruin my personal goals.  The pain will eventually go away.

"You can’t change how people treat you or what they say about you.  All you can do is change how you react and who you choose to be around."

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Me, ordering breakfast this morning:  "Hi, I would like to order a sad platter, with a side of frustration, a side of anger, and a cup of tears."

Expo Cafe lady:  "You mean a fruit salad?"

Me:  "oh, right!"

My favorite breakfast makes everything better.   Unfortunately I think this funk is hormonal (i.e. there's nothing I can really do about it), because I don't have any major circumstances to be sad about.... well, nothing more than the usual longings.   My omelette, hash browns, pancakes, and french toast tasted like sweet comfort!   Heavy and sitting in my stomach, it definitely doesn't support my goals or values.  But it tasted good and I need as many outlets for my mood as possible. 

So I have a feeling today will be full of journaling, of sitting still, and eating.  And with any hope, tomorrow will be better. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

All I Can Think About is Food

Different from an obsession, my brain is "stuck" on food for comfort, energy, and fuel.   It serves me in these moments...  food will comfort me, it will give me energy, or it will help  me curl up and pout and be sad and lonely like I feel. 

Today I choose to stick with my valued directions.  I choose to be a role model.  I choose other projects over just stuffing my face.   I have this blog to work on!  I have work coupons to make!  I have emails to send and answer!  So many things to keep me busy.  And some fresh air would greatly help.  These are my valued directions - keeping my priorities in check, and not giving in to the lust of food.  It is, afterall, just a lust.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Halloween Candy

Oh how I hate you, Halloween!  You and your plethora of candy!!   Candy corn, candy pumpkins, miniature sized snickers, milky ways, and just about any candy out there is FRONT AND CENTER at every store.  

In giant bags.  No, in GINORMOUS bags.

Costco apparently had the Biggest Bag Of Them All, because that is what my roommate bought, and I found out later that most people also bought their candy at Costco.
Which is fine, except we only used one bag for the kiddos, and we had an entire bag leftover.   

I resisted on the actual day of Halloween.  I had myself a beer [pumpkin ale of course], as a treat, and resisted the candy.

I felt really good about that.  Until Friday night.... I knew the rest of the bag was outside my door.... literally a huge, huge, huge bag full of all the best chocolate candy, was right outside my door.  

So I caved.  I succumbed and stuffed by face with as many peanut butter cups, kit kats, m&m's, peanut m&m's, nestle crunch bars, and milky ways as I could manage. 

I immediately felt guilty.  I worked out extra hard the following day.  And stuffed my face again Sunday.

Thankfully a friend stopped by Sunday morning and took the remainder of the candy away.   But I kept thinking about it.   Not that it felt good to eat that much, or even tasted special (we all know what chocolate and sugar taste like), but it was rebellious and "bad" and that felt good. 

But it's over now.... 'til next year, Mr. Pumpkin! 

Another's View

Thought I'd share this beautifully written essay on negative body image.  Some people just have a beautiful way with words, and Lynn Shattuk is one!

"If you have ever hated your body, you might recognize this voice.

It sounds like this, when I am on a run, feeling tired and a little dizzy: Keep running, it burns more calories. You’re flabby. What are we going to eat for lunch? You should just eat mostly vegetables. Remember how skinny you got when you were on that elimination diet after your son was born? Ugh, she has big boobs. Why are my boobs the first place I lose weight and the last place I gain? I really need to lose about seven pounds. My ass is giving itself whiplash.
It still pipes up at mealtime sometimes.
At the gym, it hollers.
When the voice hisses, I miss so much. I miss the crunch of leaves beneath my feet and the bare tree limbs stretching towards the sun. I miss the taste of warm, sweet coffee swirling in my mouth. One day, the voice appeared when I was weighing myself at my parents’ house, and for a moment, in humid anticipation of what the scale would say, I forgot about my infant daughter, sitting at my feet on the bathroom floor.
To look at me, you might not know I have this voice. I am not overweight, nor am I rail thin. But the disease that encompassing self-loathing, food addiction and obsession, and body and weight obsession doesn’t always show up on our bodies. It largely exists somewhere you can’t see, in our minds.
Lately I’ve been seeing a lot circulating on the internet about women and body image. From the Maria Kang “What’s Your Excuse?” controversy to Lily Myer’s stunning poetry, from Glennon Melton Doyle’s honest, lovely words toBrittney Gibbons’ excellent TED talk. From the stories and from the reactions to them, I think it’s safe to say that far, far too many of us live with this voice.
For me, the voice was born a long time ago. When I was in fourth grade and the nurse sent home an alarmed note because I’d gained nine pounds during the school year. It was handed down through generations of mothers and daughters in my family, a dark spiral of DNA. It grew when a babysitter told me not to drink too much milk because milk makes you fat. When I lost a bit of weight in fifth grade and a friend’s mom told me how great I looked. In sixth grade when I got hips but not boobs. When I learned to overeat to snuff out the swirling panic in my head. It blossomed every time I heard a woman say she needed to lose a few pounds or exercise more or not eat fat or carbs or fruit or sweets. When stupid boys made stupid comments about my body. When I saw every glossy, skinny magazine girl who seemed to blare: I am so happy because I am thin and beautiful! If you were thin and beautiful, you’d be so happy, too! 
At times, the voice was so loud that I heard almost nothing else.
I am almost 40 now. The voice is quieter, but it still lurks. I have used therapy and EMDR and twelve-step programs to fight it. My body has made two gorgeous, healthy babies and birthed and fed them, and that helps. Yoga and running usually help. Sometimes, telling the voice to shut the holy eff up helps.
I don’t let the voice speak through my mouth like it used to. No words slip out when I look in the full-length mirror and am unhappy; the thoughts just roll around in my head for a few minutes like spilled marbles before settling. We don’t have a scale at home; I got tired of it telling me how to feel.
These things help deflate the voice.
But it’s still there. It still takes up too much energy. Energy that I could use to write and love and soften.
The voice almost always distances me from other people, especially other women. It makes my heart shrivel and my thoughts turn catty. The voice slices and dices, segmenting body parts like cuts of juicy meat. The voice objectifies and minimizes. It dehumanizes.
Why is it so hard to fight this voice? To eradicate it completely?
Is it because it started when I was so young? Because every magazine or advertisement or television show I see feeds it?
I think so. But I think it’s also because the voice is fear.
It sounds like a critic, a strong, OZ-like presence, the voice of a director or a stern parent.
But when I peer underneath, it is pure fear. Vaporous, chameleon fear.
Fear that I am wrong and unworthyFear of being present and soaking up all the loss and light of being human. Fear of my own sheen, my capabilities, my possibilities. And maybe, maybe beneath all that, the fear believes—in a childlike way, because it was born in a child—that if I just looked a certain way, if I just weighed a certain number, I would always be loved and never sad and I would never, ever die.
We use our phones and toys, booze and cake, telveisions and computers, and our critical voices to wrestle out of the present. From being openhearted and brokenhearted to the world, to each other, to our mortality.
Part of the antidote to the voice, for me, is to remember what my body has done—loved and laughed, birthed and breastfed.
And to remember what it will do—get older.
When I remember that, I soften. I cry, which lets some of the fear seep out, pooling and flattening.
I don’t want to die. I don’t want my body to not be here. But no matter whether I can feel my flesh creasing my jeans or not, no matter how many wrinkles I do or don’t get, whether I can sense the gaze of men upon me as they walk past or not—I will die. Whether my soul lifts out of my body like a balloon rising into the sky, morphing and surviving—or not— my body will die.
When I remember this, it is impossible not to melt with gratitude. For my legs that can still walk and my fingers that can still touch my babies’ cheeks. For my eyes that can watch sunlight stride across the earth. For my crazy, anxious brain that takes it all in, making me human.
When I remember this, I want to use this body all up. This perfectly imperfect skin and heart and bones. I want to run and roll in leaves and do all the things women do in feminine hygiene commercials. Maybe more than anything, I want to be present to watch my kids become people out in the world, loving themselves and their bodies and others. I want to watch them working and wondering and becoming who they were born to be while I become who I was born to be.
When I blanket the fear with gratitude, I can see how very, very small it is. When I remember that the voice is a fearful child, I begin to learn to cradle it, to talk softly to it. To tell it, like I tell my son, that yes, we die, and it’s frightening.
But first? We get to live this fierce, wide, wrenching life. In these scarred, scared, shining bodies. These skin and stardust, temporary bodies.
If you have ever hated your body, and if you still hear this voice sometimes like I do, or all the time like I used to, this is what I hope for us:
That the voice shrinks and shrinks, until we find ourselves holding it in our palms like a husk, like a whisper. That our critic’s eyes soften and our hearts widen and we understand more and more how little this all matters: the numbers on the scale, the way the landscape of our skin curves beneath our clothing, the fleeting, narrow flash of beauty in the magazines.
That gratitude sprouts green like grass as everything blends and blurs together, until there is nothing left but love."

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thursday Obsessions

1. Braids

My hair is finally long enough to put in a french braid!!   My skills have deteriorated over the years [a lot!], but I've been practicing and they are getting better!   I feel very pretty when my hair is braided!

2. Trader Joe's

This store is just the bomb!  So many healthy products!  It's small and easy to get around.  Never completely crowded.  Checkouts are reasonably fast.   And I almost always find something healthy I hadn't seen before.  (Except today, I wasn't looking enough, I was just hurrying through)

3. Lists

When I feel overwhelmed, I make lists.  I cannot make enough lists.   I have a master list, a list for the day, a list for tomorrow, a food list, a "Target" list, a list of clients to contact, a list of long term projects, and sometimes a list of exercises that come to mind I want to use.   Do they help keep me organized?   Yes, I like to think so. 

4. Trader Joe's Reduced Guilt Chunky Guacamole

I found this a few weeks ago and it is A - mazing!  And reduced guilt because it is made with Greek yogurt, it is low in calories and has actual chunks of avocado and tomatoes.   Apparently when it first came out, years ago, they couldn't keep it on the shelves!  But lucky for me, I'm years behind (of course) and there's plenty!  Now, I just have to stop eating all of it at once!   Last night I only ate half of the container, and the rest is for tonight, so that's progress!  

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

"Those Who Mind Don't Matter and Those Who Matter Don't Mind."

Dr Seuss was brilliant. 

As I go through this unique period of time of losing those closest to me - not by accident, but through poor choices (I guess?) - it is becoming glaringly clear how much people who matter don't mind, and how people who mind don't matter. 

Those who have been supportive / non judgemental / who don't mind have been a huge blessing.   Whereas those who have not, those who apparently do not matter, have been stressful to be around.  And what cures stress?!    Heck yeah - comfort food.   AND it's halloween time.   So candy:  "Candy, candy corn, candy canes, and syrup!"

Monday, October 28, 2013

Sorta Kinda Good Bad

So tired (couldn't sleep/ got up early)So anxious (making the trip downtown to watch the Marine Corps Marathon and making it back in time to catch Julie and Kevin on their way back up from Lynchburg). So frustrated (overate wraps, cheese and apples last night because that is all I had, and it didn't even taste good!).   At 5am I left the house and ventured downtown via Metro without eating, and because of that, I'm sure, I started to crave carbs at the race. As the morning dragged on (we're talking 5 am to 8am...), all I could think about was going home and stopping at the best breakfast place in town for some ginormous pancakes!  They make the best, and biggest, pancakes in town!
 I tried to force myself to stay in the moment, to enjoy my friend's company and be excited with her, but thoughts of pancakes and home were winning in my mind.  

My store experiences at both Trader Joes & Safeway (the two places I stopped on the way home) were much more intense struggles today. The desire to buy something comforting, delicious and "bad" versus the desire to be "good".  In the end, I bought mostly healthy food.  Safeway did not have the fruit salad bar or breakfast bar I had hoped, so I bought soda.  And at the Starbucks next to it, I used a gift card (yes I'm so cheap!) to buy the hummus/chicken/pita/vegetable plate.    At Trader Joes, I bought the groceries I needed for the week, along with dried crunchy green beans and edmame chips... so I don't feel completely guilty.  I did gaze at the pumpkin muffins and sea salt brownies for a while, and considered them, but never picked them up. 

BFF Julie and her husband Kevin stopped through on their way home from a wedding in Lynchburg.  We decided to meet for food, since they would be hungry from the car ride, at Glory Days Grill.  I was not going to not get any food, maybe just a beer, and just drink shakes the rest of the day since I had already eaten plenty, but I must have been hungry because everything on the menu was tempting!  I settled on a salad, but the waiter took forever to take our order and I changed my mind into a turkey burger and sweet potato fries.   Turned out to be an excellent choice!

But, then I wanted something sweet.   I thought about my choices: hitting up the frozen yogurt store on the way home, stopping at trader joes and buying some of the treats i resisted earlier, and stopping at the grocery store on the way home.   But i resisted all of the choices, primarily because I didn't want to spend the money, but also because I didn't want to make a rash decision.  [I know, who am I?] 

So when I got home I curled up with everything chocolate I could find - a protein shake, protein peanut butter cups, and low sugar chocolate bar.  

And then three hours later I ate more!!  I went to the Giant store next to my house, but couldn't even decide what I wanted.  Tried to go slow and be mindful and ended up with more single serving things, fruit, and even picked up some cheese that I needed, so I was definitely more mindful because I remembered to get that.  YAY!    I bought arctic zero ice cream (only 150 calories), single serving organic peanut butter cups, and mint chocolate cups, raspberries, and a turkey sandwich.   After I picked those items up I walked by the cakes, pies, and cookies but I didn't buy any!  I actually mixed the candy into the ice cream and it made a fairly satisfying treat!   

So the question is, what is really going on? …..   I noticed I am really really tired from having a busy weekend.   Feeling a mixture of sadness, nostalgia, longing, probably due to seeing my friend today, and my friend last week, and talking a lot online to another friend in Albany.   I need to celebrate those relationships but also spend time with people here in Virginia.   

As much as I regret eating a lot today, I do not feel as bad about my choices today.  The body needs nourishment.  Isn't that what food is for? 

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Wow when I eat clean there isn't as much to talk about!  It's fairly boring:  shakes, shakes and more shakes.  These little EAS low carb shakes that have about 100 calories each actually get me through until the next one.  My favorite flavor is Rich Dark Chocolate.... it's like a blast of chocolate each time! [I sound like a commercial!]  Not designed to be a meal replacement, but they do fill me up enough until the next one.  [Again, I sound like a commercial!]   Especially if I pair it with a piece of fruit, or some tomatoes, which are my new favorite snack - little grape tomatoes are fun to eat!

I'm surprising myself with how much I seem to actually care about my body and am paying attention to it. 
For example, yesterday, I was feeling disappointed with work stuff, and social stuff (i.e. lack of boyfriend), however, I still wanted my body to be strong. I listened, and added a mini three exercise workout to my day. 

Even at home, that night, still feeling disappointed about social stuff (i.e. boys - pretty much always the theme) I was aware of how my belly felt and what I really wanted... to feel healthy.   Over the past few months... ok, years...chocolate and carbs and feeling full has provided me with that satisfaction of filling that void.   

I also find that tracking my food in the online diary is helping as a reality check.  So when my mind desires food - I can ask myself am I really hungry?   And if I haven't eaten enough yet, based on the food log, I know that I probably am hungry.  If the food log is complete and full of enough food, I can ask my belly if it is really hungry or just tired or maybe what we call "mouth hunger".   Mouth hunger for me is the desire to chew.... or the desire to have a certain taste experience.   It is generally unnecessary food.   However, sometimes it helps to give into the mouth hunger so I don't go completely crazy :)  

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Heartbreak Binge

I can feel the urges ....  the thoughts of which foods would taste good to soothe my broken heart.  Well, it's not really broken, but I feel little stabs of sadness, and waves of disappointment over having such a great time with my friend this weekend, and realizing, knowing, that I told myself stories and very quickly became attached to the idea of him and that those ideas are not realistic. 

So anyway, which foods ease heartbreak?

Chocolate: the "go to" for many, myself included....chocolate candy, chocolate muffins, cookies, ice cream... you name it.   Ben & Jerry's - the kings of ice cream - make a chocolate and mint crunch type ice cream that is incredible.   

Bread: especially anything doughy.  When I lived in Albany, a local bakery called Mastroianni Bros made THE BEST rolls and bread.   I literally used to eat them Every. Day.  For the better part of a year, I ate an entire loaf of their bread every Saturday morning.  

Sweet and salty together: "kettle" type chips or popcorn is excellent for this craving. 

Sandwiches:  there is something unusually comforting about sandwiches.  Sheetz carries two "wrap" style sandwiches in it's pre-made section that I really like. 

Whether or not I choose to partake in any of these has yet to be determined.  I am REALLY enjoying fitting in my clothes again - holding steady at 156.    So I actually feel like I should just stick with what I've been eating.  I have plenty of healthy options to keep me full.  

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tuesday Obsessions

1. Bitstrips  
Create an avatar ( cartoon of yourself ) and then use their hilarious pre-made cartoons to post on facebook!   Totally cracking me up!  

2.  Hopeless Romantic
That would be me.  Wishing, and hoping, and dreaming, and praying..... wanting and longing for the romance that I've had brief tastes of, here and there....   But reality is that right NOW, I have everything I need RIGHT NOW. 

3.  Not Food
Normally I spend at least one day obsessed with food.  As in, what delicious and "bad" thing can I eat today?   Or, which of my favorite foods will fill that void I feel... the longing for all that I don't have?  I have not been desiring food to quench these feelings lately.  It is unusual!   It is good! 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Too Many Good Days

It's unusual for me to have this many "good" days.   I've been tracking my food in My Fitness Pal, keeping under my calories, and I've been losing weight - almost 10 lbs in a week due to the fact that my binges cause me to hold a lot of water. 

I'm almost completely turned off by the thought of overeating.   It is still an automatic reaction for me, and thoughts of Jimmy Johns swirl through my mind.   But the idea of eating so much churns my stomach and not in a good way.  

I think this is partly due to my clothes starting to fit better, giving me confidence to continue this mindful eating.   Also partly due to the confidence of seeing my friend over the weekend.  Huge ego boost for me.  Huge!  

My "No meat" experiment began last Monday after I was too tired / lazy etc to go to Costco to buy more chicken, and not wanting to spend the extra money to buy them at the store.   So I decided to substitute protein shakes, quest protein bars, and nuts as protein sources for the week.   I actually felt really good after doing that and have kept doing it, for the most part ( except a chicken sandwich Friday night, and there was some turkey on my sandwich Saturday morning ).  

Monday Obsessions

Today's "Obsessions"

1.  Clean Cars

Something about the bright sunshine today, post road trip, providing the urges to wash my car.  Oh I long for a hose, bucket, sponge and cloth to do it myself ... it has been over 3 years!   But the drive through car wash will have to do.   

Returned to the good ol' gas station by work and their $5 car wash, because the $8 car wash at the Sunoco in Centreville is "touch less", which apparently translates to "less clean".   

Returned to work feeling satisfied in my clean car.

2.   "What rhymes with hug me?"    

Yup- Blurred lines by Robin Thicke.   Maybe I am a few months behind in this song obsession, but I love it. I finally downloaded this song, along with "Cups" from Pitch Perfect, and "Roar" the best new power song by Katie Perry, and have been playing these three songs on repeat all day.   

All confidence builders.  Can't go wrong there!   

3. Big Smiles

Still bursting with smiles and happiness from this weekend.   Memories, flashbacks, and recounting the events to my clients and friends brings continued smiles.  Sometimes so big I can't contain my joy.   It's likely these will turn to sadness soon as time goes by, and memories fade to longing, but for now, I'll take the joy!

4.  Dumbbell "T" 's 

This is just an excellent exercise all around.   Stability, mobility, strength..... it hits it all!   I put them into my workout this morning, and all of my clients today will be doing them.   And probably tomorrow too!   

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Trader Joe's You Win Again!

Three days in a row of "clean" eating.... I figure this is due to the following:
1) The new medication I take has a reputation of increasing blood glucose, leading to weight gain.
2) I seem to be in a manic cycle
3) A friend called yesterday and wants to possibly meet halfway this weekend and I'm motivated to look my best!

My Fitness Pal is helpful for planning my food intake for the day to ensure I stay under my calorie goal (including what it estimates I burn through my workouts).  I can still have my Quest Peanut Butter Cups [ side note the peanut butter part tastes so chalky and weird but the chocolate is so good that i find it is totally worth it! ]

At Trader Joe's today I stocked up on fresh produce, my low carb wraps, and kale chips and still spend under $30!   I notice I consistently spend less there than at Giant, or any other store, so it feels like a bargain.  We shall see at the end of the month if I have spent less overall on groceries.  But in the meantime I am excited to spend less than $30 on such bounty!

One day I would like to buy everything at the store just to try it ALL because it is so unique and appealing. Of course that is not realistic, so occasionally I will buy something that looks semi healthy and semi delicious [or vice versa as my eyes see it].   In the display at the checkout lane was a "low carb dark chocolate" bar.  Really???  Oh yes, the chocolate gods have struck again!   Reviews to come later, if positive. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Eating Clean..... Again

I unpacked some bins of clothes last weekend and found jeans and pants in every size.   I tossed the ones I knew would never fit again, but some are not as old and could fit if I made an effort.

So here I am, back on the "eating clean" cycle... lately this only lasts for 2 days, 3 days max.   Spring of 2012 I was able to eat clean for two months and get down to an amazing 140 lbs.  I was hungry all. the. time.  And I hated it.  I couldn't wait to eat.  So slowly, over the summer, I put 10 or so pounds back on.  

And then the next 20, over the last 12 months.   

I know what to eat to lose weight.  I have no desire to starve myself again.  Been there, done that. 

In an ideal world I would "eat when I'm hungry, and sleep when I'm tired" as my mother used to say about vacation.   I would only eat until satiated, and not to fill a void nor as a substitute for another activity. 

It also requires, in my opinion, keeping track in a food diary or food log.  I love the website 'My Fitness Pal' for keeping track because they have a huge food database.  whats frustrating is how quickly I reach my caloric goal for the day and I feel like I'm not even eating that much!    How do people under-eat????

If I eat as planned for today, I'll be 6 calories OVER my goal, which is about 1700 including my exercise (and I feel they are generous on the caloric burn).   I could give up my Quest Cravings Peanut Butter Cups.... but I don't want to!! 

So asparagus with light cheese wrapped in romaine is my "sandwich" along with some veggies and 12 almonds.  Clean lunch - blah.  

Calorie Counter

Not sure this is something to brag about, but I know the calorie count of just about every food.  I can estimate it in my head.  Why?  Because I've been counting calories since middle school.   Without thinking, I know that a serving of Cheerios is 3/4 of a cup and approximately 100 calories.   I know that a medium apple and a medium banana are both about 100 calories, and that blackberries have the least amount of sugar.   

Now that I'm 36 years old (!), it saddens me to think I have been counting calories since I was 14.   It saddens me to think 14 year old girls today worry about their calories just as I did at that age.  

This "skill", if you will, actually comes in handy with my clients. I can scan their food diaries and quickly estimate calories.   Of course, today, databases such as "My Fitness Pal" are full of (fairly) accurate nutritional statistics and my educational guesses are pretty much useless.  

I think this skill works against me sometimes when I am feeling rebellious - tired of counting calories and eating clean - I know that there are over 1000 calories in a burrito from Chipotle or Moe's so I'll get one to rebel against myself.  A box of bakery cookies @ 200+ calories each?  I'm a "bad" girl.  This also serves to confirm that I cannot be trusted with food.   

Friday, October 11, 2013

Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead

That's actually the title of a documentary about food.   I have not watched it yet, but I hear positive reviews.  Plus it's free on Hulu, and probably Netflix, too. 


I'm not really fat, I just feel fat.   Because I have not felt well enough to exercise, and because I have been eating everything I want ( i.e. everything I crave), justifying it with, "....But I'm sick...!".

Nevertheless, we all know basic science says three or four days of carb overload leads to water retention, mood swings, and headaches.  Fo' sho'. 

I have not weighed myself, but I can tell by my clothes that I am the heaviest I have ever been (when your "fat clothes" are tight, you know).


I did buy every type of cough and cold medicine out there.  Notice in the picture, I have also been to every store in NOVA.   

Expectorants, suppressants, and multi-symptom relief.... something ought to kick in by now!!  Or hopefully tomorrow. 

Nearly Dead

I'm not nearly dead.   Somewhere deep inside, my heart is devastated that I look as bad as I do.  My self esteem is nearly dead.   But it can be saved and I am working on it!